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church of the highlands exposed



The Church of the Highlands is one of the most influential megachurches in the United States, attracting thousands of attendees every week. But with great influence often comes great scrutiny. This article aims to provide a detailed examination of the Church of the Highlands, exploring its history, beliefs, practices, and the controversies that have surrounded it.

History of Church of the Highlands

On February 4, 2001, Chris Hodges and a core group of thirty-four individuals started the church.Its main structure, which has a 2,400-seat auditorium, opened in 2007.[3] The church has established multiple campuses in the vicinity of Birmingham.[4][5] [6] Church of the Highlands, which had weekly attendance of almost 60,000, was ranked second in the “Outreach 100” listing for 2022; it had been ranked first in the previous listing for 2018.[7] Church of the Highlands listed 25 campuses in Georgia and Alabama as of February 5, 2022.[8] The Woodlawn campus, which is close to Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport, is its most recent purpose-built location. On September 11, 2022, it opened.[9]

“The Lodge at Grants Mill” was inaugurated by the church on its main campus in Irondale, Alabama, in 2023. According to Hodges, the lodge serves as a place of respite for pastors. Hodges is making an attempt to provide pastors who need to be “refreshed, rejuvenated, and refocused on their calling” with a place to stay at a time when “pastoral burnout is at an all-time high.”

A 2023 church census stated that 60,000 people attended on a weekly basis.[10]

What is the Church of the Highlands?

One of the biggest megachurches in the nation is the Church of the Highlands, which is situated in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Since Pastor Chris Hodges launched it in 2001, it has expanded to become one of the largest religious organizations in the nation.

It has locations in numerous states, and more than 60,000 people often attend its devotional services each week. It offers a wide range of educational courses and has a sizable internet following, particularly through its Highlands College.

Being an evangelical church, it is already on the right wing due to its positions on many important topics. To make matters worse, in recent years, people may have heard more about Church of the Highlands exposed than about Church of the Highlands altogether.

Leadership and Key Figures

Chris Hodges remains the senior pastor and primary face of the Church of the Highlands. His leadership style, which blends charismatic preaching with a focus on practical applications of faith, has been a driving force behind the church’s success. Other significant leaders within the church include Dino Rizzo, known for his work in outreach and missions, and Mark Pettus, who oversees the church’s ministry training programs.

Beliefs and Doctrines

At its core, the Church of the Highlands adheres to evangelical Christian beliefs. They emphasize the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the necessity of living out one’s faith through actions. Their doctrinal stance includes beliefs in the Trinity, salvation through faith in Jesus, and the importance of baptism and communion.

Church Practices

Worship Services

The worship services at the Church of the Highlands are known for their vibrant and contemporary style. They often feature a mix of live music, multimedia presentations, and dynamic preaching. Services are designed to be engaging and accessible to people from all walks of life.

Community Outreach

One of the hallmarks of the Church of the Highlands is its commitment to community outreach. The church sponsors numerous initiatives, including food drives, medical clinics, and disaster relief efforts. They believe that serving the community is a tangible way to demonstrate God’s love.

Small Groups

Small groups play a crucial role in the life of the Church of the Highlands. These groups, which meet regularly in homes and other settings, provide members with a sense of community and a space for deeper spiritual growth. The church offers a wide variety of small groups catering to different interests and life stages.

Controversies and Criticisms

Despite its many successes, the Church of the Highlands has not been without controversy. Critics have raised concerns about several aspects of the church’s operations and beliefs.

Financial Transparency

One of the most significant criticisms has been regarding financial transparency. Questions have been raised about how the church uses its funds and the level of oversight in place to ensure accountability. Some former members have alleged that the church prioritizes financial growth over spiritual development.

Leadership Issues

Leadership within the Church of the Highlands has also come under scrutiny. There have been instances where leaders were accused of misconduct, leading to internal investigations and public relations challenges. These incidents have raised questions about the church’s leadership culture and accountability mechanisms.

Social and Political Stances

The church’s social and political stances have also been a point of contention. Some critics argue that the Church of the Highlands has taken positions that are out of step with modern social values, particularly on issues like LGBTQ+ rights and racial justice. These stances have led to public protests and calls for the church to adopt more inclusive policies.

Media Coverage

The Church of the Highlands has been the subject of extensive media coverage over the years. Major news outlets have reported on both its successes and controversies, often highlighting the church’s rapid growth and influence. The church has employed a proactive public relations strategy to manage its image, frequently issuing statements to clarify its positions and actions.

Testimonials from Members

Positive Experiences

Many members of the Church of the Highlands speak highly of their experiences. They often cite the sense of community, the impactful teachings, and the numerous opportunities for involvement as reasons why they love being part of the church. For these members, the church is a place where they can grow spiritually and make a difference in their community.

Negative Experiences

However, not all testimonials are positive. Some former members have shared stories of feeling excluded or judged, particularly if their views or lifestyles did not align with the church’s teachings. Others have expressed frustration with the church’s leadership and decision-making processes, feeling that their concerns were not adequately addressed.

Financial Aspects

Tithing and Donations

Tithing is a significant part of the Church of the Highlands’ financial model. Members are encouraged to give a portion of their income to support the church’s operations and outreach efforts. The church also receives substantial donations, both from individual members and external benefactors.

Use of Funds

The use of funds by the Church of the Highlands has been a topic of debate. While the church invests heavily in its facilities, programs, and community initiatives, critics argue that more transparency is needed to ensure that funds are used appropriately. The church maintains that all expenditures are carefully considered and aimed at furthering its mission.

Impact on the Community

Charitable Work

The Church of the Highlands has made a significant impact on the community through its charitable work. The church operates numerous programs aimed at helping those in need, including food distribution, housing assistance, and healthcare services. These efforts have earned the church praise from many quarters.

Local Influence

Beyond its charitable work, the Church of the Highlands wields considerable influence in the local community. Its size and resources allow it to play a major role in local events and initiatives. However, this influence has also been a source of concern for some, who worry about the church’s potential to sway public policy and opinion.

Comparison with Other Mega Churches


The Church of the Highlands shares many similarities with other megachurches, including its large size, contemporary worship style, and emphasis on community outreach. Like many megachurches, it also places a strong focus on small groups and personal spiritual growth.


However, there are also notable differences. The Church of the Highlands places a particularly strong emphasis on practical teaching and applications of faith, which sets it apart from some other megachurches. Additionally, its extensive outreach programs and community involvement are often highlighted as distinguishing features.

Public Perception

General Public Opinion

Public opinion about the Church of the Highlands is mixed. While many admire the church for its growth and positive impact on the community, others are critical of its perceived lack of transparency and inclusivity. The church’s high profile means that it is often in the spotlight, for better or worse.

Specific Criticisms

Specific criticisms of the Church of the Highlands often focus on its leadership, financial practices, and social stances. Critics argue that the church needs to do more to address these issues and become more transparent and inclusive. The church, for its part, has made efforts to respond to these criticisms, though opinions on the effectiveness of these efforts vary.

Response from Church of the Highlands

Official Statements

The Church of the Highlands has issued numerous official statements in response to the various controversies and criticisms it has faced. These statements typically emphasize the church’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. The church often highlights the steps it has taken to address concerns and improve its practices.

Measures Taken to Address Issues

In response to criticisms, the Church of the Highlands has implemented several measures aimed at improving transparency and accountability. These include conducting internal audits, increasing financial disclosures, and revising leadership training programs. The church also regularly reviews its social and political stances to ensure they align with its mission and values.

Legal Issues

Any Lawsuits or Legal Challenges

The Church of the Highlands has faced a few legal challenges over the years, primarily related to property disputes and employment practices. While these cases have garnered media attention, the church has generally been able to resolve them without significant long-term impact.

Outcomes of Legal Matters

Most legal matters involving the Church of the Highlands have been settled out of court or resolved in the church’s favor. The church’s legal team works diligently to address any issues that arise and to protect the church’s interests.

Future of Church of the Highlands

Predictions for the Future

Looking ahead, the future of the Church of the Highlands appears promising. The church continues to grow and expand its reach, both in terms of membership and community impact. As long as it can navigate its challenges and maintain its commitment to its core values, the church is likely to remain a major force in the religious landscape.

Potential Changes

Potential changes for the Church of the Highlands may include further efforts to enhance transparency, improve leadership accountability, and adopt more inclusive policies. The church may also continue to expand its outreach programs and find new ways to engage with the community.


The Church of the Highlands is a significant and influential institution, with a history of rapid growth and community impact. While it has faced its share of controversies and criticisms, the church has also made efforts to address these issues and continue its mission. As it moves forward, the Church of the Highlands will likely continue to evolve and adapt, striving to fulfill its vision of being a beacon of hope and service.


  1. What is the Church of the Highlands?
    • The Church of the Highlands is a megachurch based in Birmingham, Alabama, known for its large membership, contemporary worship services, and extensive community outreach programs.
  2. Who founded the Church of the Highlands?
    • The Church of the Highlands was founded by Chris Hodges in 2001.
  3. What are the core beliefs of the Church of the Highlands?
    • The core beliefs include a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the importance of living out one’s faith through actions.
  4. What controversies has the Church of the Highlands faced?
    • The church has faced controversies related to financial transparency, leadership issues, and social and political stances.
  5. How does the Church of the Highlands impact the community?
    • The church impacts the community through its charitable work, including food distribution, housing assistance, and healthcare services, as well as its involvement in local events and initiatives.

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